Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twitter turns 6

Six years back, on 21st March, Jack Dorsey (@jack), co-founder of Twitter sent the first ever tweet, "just setting up my twttr,". He mentioned Twitter as 'twttr' as this was the code name of the project. Since then Twitter has changed a lot. Twitter now has over 465 million users and 175 million tweets are send per day.
 But few users and tweets created tumult not just on twitter but all over the world.

Six Tweets that made history:

1)  "just setting up my twttr," - @jack (Jack Dorsey).

The first ever tweet.

2)  "I kicked my mommy at 12: 18 p.m on Thu dec  11" - @kickbee  
This tweet was sent by Corey Menscher's  unborn kid. Corey created a device and a Twitter account,   kickbee, which sent out tweets everytime the kid (Tyler) kicked his mom.

3) "Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE* on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!"- @marsphoenix

The twitter account of Mars Phoenix Lander broke the news of ice on mars on 19th June 2008.

4) "Hello Twitterverse! We r now LIVE tweeting from the International Space Station -- the 1st live tweet from Space! :) More soon, send your ?s" -@Astro_TJ 

In January, 2010, NASA astronaut T. J. Creamer sends the first unassisted tweet from space aboard the International Space Station.

5)  "Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)." -@reallyvirtual

Sohaib Athar (a.k.a. @ReallyVirtual) unknowingly began live-tweeting the top-secret raid that killed Bin Laden in Pakistan on 2, May, 2011.

6) "Here is another photo of the shuttle from my plane"- @stefmara

In May, 2011, NASA launched the space shuttle Endeavour. Stefanie Gordon, aka @stefmara, took a photograph of the launch from a plane and tweeted it, capturing the launch from a new perspective.


Six Must Follow Fictional/Spoof Twitter Accounts  

1) @Lord_Voldemort7
 He-who-shall-not-be-named pokes fun at current events, social media and, of course, Harry Potter.

2) @HomerJSimpson
 Our favourite donut-loving yellow man. Dumbishly funny with a tinge of Bart Simpson!

3) @Jesus_M_Christ
 He is the one Rakhi Sawant Keeps on calling.

4) @KimJongNumberUn
 North Korea's new leader -- and the world's number one Eric Clapton fan.

5) @Fakingnews
If  you like news with a twist, Faking news is right for you.

6) @DrYumYumSingh
Parody account of Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. This one speaks (I, guess)

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